Coopecerroazul RL
Coopecerroazul is a cooperative founded the 14th of March 1961, in Nandayure, Guanacaste. When 59 coffee farmers were able to join efforts and created the Cooperativa de Caficultores y Servicios Multiples de Cerro Azul R.L [Cooperative of Coffee farmers and Multiple Services of Cerro Azul Limited Responsibility.] Since that day Coopecerroazul RL has consolidate as the most impactful company in the canton of Nanadayure.
Since its foundations Coopecerroazul RL has been the center of development and economic growth. The cooperative is compose by 114 associates. All small farmers and producers. And it has become the biggest employer in the highlands of Nandayure. Cementing its reputation as company, it is well recognize for producing and commercializing coffee and oranges as its mains source of income. However with the pass of the years and keeping in mind the wellbeing of its associates, clients and the community. Coopecerroazul has diversify its activities to include a variety of other services.
Coopecerroazul RL projects itself with strategies aiming to positionate its services and products inside the mainstream market. But not only those regarding coffee and oranges. But by employing tools and procedures that differentiates and add value to the services and products offer by Coopecerroazul RL. In matters such as the use of clean energy and low impact activities for the environment that allow the company to achieve high quality products without harming the land nor the quality of life of its clients and members.
During its 55 years in experience in the Community of Los Ángeles del Porvernir of Nandayure. Where the headquarters are located Coopecerroazul has provided high quality products and services.
Meaning devolvement growth and solutions for the people of Nandayure. And will continue doing so in the days to come.